Saturday, December 20, 2008
We rocked you out @ 4:10 PM
Class gathering:Date: 27th December, Saturday
Time: 12 noon
Venue: Kallang Leisure Park
Any Christians who can't make it, please inform us in the tagboard. Thanks.
We rocked you out @ 1:32 PM
i am not sure whether i listed all of them but if u have any juz name it by tagging k?
here are the current ideas we could do as a class!!
to other ppl from elsewhere: if u are that lame enough to copy us or do something similiar, then go home and SHUT UP!!
the ideas i got from the class:
1-class hairstyle like we all cut bangs and have a specific item on our hair
2-class fbt
3-class badge like those round ones where we can esign and print out 3 for $10 which i find is quite okay for the year
4-class water bottle we can either design or buy a nice one which is cheaper
5-1S stilo milo sunglasses
6-class tee
7-class socks where we can draw on them or on towels
8-class pockets meaning (as we like writing letters to each another) i saw 9 pockets each beside another with winnie the pooh and friends pics on each of them $10 for it!! so we only need to pay like $1 each which is GREAT!!i dont have a pic of it but it is cool!!!
9-class accessories like anklets or bracelets (something like that)
10-class hand phone pouchs
11- class wallets
12-almost everyone noe's wad is CLUEDO so each of us will have a secret buddy which we will write to. everyone will have a list of names! so whenever someone writed a letter to you and she doesnt sign off as : ur secret buddy, u can tick her off the list until u found out who that person is!! this seeriously rocks!!
so these are the current ideas
i am going to get point 8 coz its the special sale which offers it is going to be OVER!! and when that happens we cannot find it anymore!!
so please tag about the points!!
ideas on the themes i got from the class(we dont have to name it like this but juz to let u noe the full picture> we can change the name of the theme):
1- 2S future wanna-be
2-winnie the pooh
3-sesame street
4-little miss____ world
thats all??
i mean like c'mon we can certainly do better!!
jia you!!!!
We rocked you out @ 11:00 AM
Okay, so school's reopening in 13 days. We have a lot of class matters to settle.
1. Class gathering
We need to choose a day to go out together and choose where to go. Give your opinions in the tagboard kay? We don't have much time for arguements. What matters is we have fun as a class! :D
2. Class exco
I see some of the other classes have already chosen people for their exco, so maybe we should too? I don't think we have to vote for subject reps now, but maybe the Monitoress, Vice-monitoress, Secutary and Treasurer. I suggest we choose different people from this year to give others a chance to lead the class.
3. Class deco and theme
Give ideas for the noticeboard theme and class name.
The reason why we have to settle all this asap is because most of our competitions starts on the second week of school so we will be busy with so many things, plus Common tests. Share your opinions and I'll update on the votes over here by 31st December.
Lastly, on 1st January 2009, I'll change the url to Or if you have suggestions for the url, write in the tagboard as well.
See you guys in the new year!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
We rocked you out @ 10:37 PM

I'm bored.
2S oh nine
Sec 2S:
Mr Ang Kai Jie - Form teacher, Maths, SELC, PW
Ms Melinda Kearns - English, Literature
Mrs Tan Bee Chok - Science
Mr Chan CK, Mr Joseph Tan, Ms Poon PF - PE
Ms Linda Lim - Geography
Ms Charlene Lin - History
Ms Naomi Chye - Music
Ms Teh - Art
Monitoress: Maureen
Vice monitoress: Hidayu
Secutary: Chan
Sports secutary: Kathy
Treasurer: Hannah
CE rep: Megan
AV rep: Crystal and Joey
EL rep: Sya sya
Literature rep: Bathilda
Maths rep: Charissa and Jiwon
Science rep: Yan Jing
Geography rep: Syafiqah
History rep: Ying Chao
MT rep: Kek Yink
HMT rep: Crystal
Music rep: Diana
D&T rep: Celestine
Home econs rep: Cheryl
1S oh eight
Sec 1S:
Mrs Fanny Lowe - Form teacher, English , SEL
Mr Clarence Lim - Mathemtics
Mrs Tan Bee Chok - Science
Ms Wong KF/ Mr Chue - PE
Mrs Monica Menon - Literature
Mr Andrew Chai - History
Ms Loh - Geography
Mr Frank Lee - Art
Mr James Foo - D&T
Mrs Doris Foong - Home Economics
Ms Naomi Chye - Music
Mdm Audra - PW
Chairman : Maureen
Vice-chairman : Syafiqah
Secutary : Kathy
Treasurer : Crystal
EL rep - Bathilda
Maths rep - Charissa
Science rep - Diana
Literature rep - Megan
Geography rep - Syafiqah
Sports rep - Sya Sya
Home Economics rep - Celestine
The girls
#01 Ainsley - Netball
#02 Charissa - Volleyball
#03 Celynn - Track & Field
#04 Chan Meaghan - Track & Field
#05 Chen Dan - Table Tennis
#06 Cheryl - Track & Field
#07 Jia Yi - Badminton
#08 Diana - Track & Field
#09 Yiling - Track & Field
#10 Hannah - Track & Field
#11 Yan Jing - Volleyball
#12 Megan - Track & Field
#13 Kek Yink - Table Tennis
#14 Bathilda - Basketball
#15 Kathy - Badminton
#16 Celestine - Volleyball
#17 Crystal - Volleyball
#18 Luo Na - Table Tennis
#19 Maureen - Volleyball
#20 Hidayu - Track & Field
#21 Syafiqah - Track & Field
#22 Ji Won - Netball
#23 Syasya - Track & Field
#24 Joey - Volleyball
#25 Ying Chao - Table Tennis
1st - Joey
7th - Diana and Ying Chao
14th - Chen Dan
26th - Crystal
4th - Syafiqah
17th - Charissa and Meaghan
10th - Ainsley
18th - Kek Yink
23rd - Maureen
24th - Bathilda and Celynn
25th - Ji Won
26th - Yiling
26th - Luo Na
6th - Celestine
20th - Jia Yi
29th - Hidayu
8th - Megan
2nd - Sya Sya
4th - Yan Jing
20th - Cheryl
26th - Hannah
9th - Kathy